Review Copies

To order a book for review, visit the book’s webpage, click on the ‘Request a Review or Inspection Copy’ link and complete the form. You can also find a link to the form on the ‘Information’ drop down menu on our homepage.

All requests must come through the request form, otherwise we are unable to assess it.

For a number of our books, we adopt an e-book first policy, which means that our preference is for sending out ebook review copies, rather than print copies. We will inform you of the edition type you will receive before sending the inspection copy.

At present, we have postponed sending review copies to EU countries due to distribution issues. All reviewers based in the EU will be offered ebooks. We are working with our distributor to find a suitable solution.

Review copies are available for one year after publication. For special requests of older books, please email [email protected] and outline the reasons for the request.

Please send us a copy of the review once it has published to [email protected]

For media and publicity queries, please email the Head of Marketing, [email protected]

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